Jonathon Lacher

My little blog

Mac window wrangling

Posted at — Jun 26, 2020

I’ll admit that my experience with macOS/OSX only goes back a few years, but I was instantly frustrated with window management. Most folks around me seemed to have a sea of small windows that would pile up over the course of a day, maybe they would use mission control to switch between windows.

But for tasks where two windows were needed at the same time (for example side by side), most folks were content enough to simply drag and resize windows into place. This seemed insane.

I then stumbled upon Spectacle which uses keyboard shortcuts like alt + cmd + right arrow to move/resize a window to the right half of the screen. This app worked great. It is no longer under active development however, Rectangle seems to be the most recommended replacement. I literally use it dozens of times a day.

It’s neat, you should try it.